Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Reality Perceived

Is this reality we are conceiving?
Could it be something else we are perceiving?
A nervous system weaving, interweaving,
Senses receiving, believing, deceiving.

With all of these senses I am astounded,
I’m in a world of perception surrounded.
The range of experience is confounded,
I sense the beauty of the world resounded.

On this never ending quest for sensation,
Its satiation will be my salvation.
Of good and bad there is no separation,
Depravation’s the only violation.

With new sensation comes exhilaration,
It’s exaltation of simple elation.
From this path there can be no deviation,
Through exploration there is no damnation.

The only goal of life is satisfaction,
Of this ideal there is no abstraction.
Experience is never a distraction,
For we all know life’s temptations attraction.

For the next sensation I am crusading,
The next experience never evading.
The call of a nervous system persuading,
“Give in to that next sensation cascading.”

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Behind the Veil

Behind the veil of love
I found a darkness fine
A friendless void where you don’t feel or mind

I see it there but I,
Just can’t quite reach that place,
That could put serenity in pains space.

How do I move past this hour,
As I feel my heart break,
To that place where I can feel a peace make.

I turn to history,
To find a lesson true,
Can I find the answer to help me through?

Why must love be this way,
And always end in pain?
On a heart so true love will leave its stain.

Take love away from me,
So I may never feel,
So I can have a peace no love can steal.

Please take this love from me,
And leave a darkness fine,
A friendless void where I don’t feel or mind.