Friday, December 23, 2011

Mind Keep

Blood mortar is enemy thwarter,
Distortive, contortive, aborter,
Corrosive, not supportive,
Ferocious, atrocious, extorter,
Emotion promotion reporter,
Exporter, not importer.

Appearing fearlessly adhering,
Sincerest deception endearing,
Unmeasured, not untreasured,
Visionless scenery cohering,
Uncaring, just gearing, ungearing,
Restricted, not convicted.

Where am I? Is it safe now?
Where am I? Can I go now?
Where am I? Where did everyone go?

Prison wall inceptor, acceptor,
Concept interception preceptor,
Susceptive, not perceptive,
Creeping, house keeping, interceptor,
Seraph leper weeping adepter,
Liable, not viable.

Insister passively resisting,
Desisting delightful existing,
Provoked, not invoked,
Insisting for no help enlisting,
Permitting only of subsisting,
Enclosing, not exposing.

Where am I? Is it safe now?
Where am I? Can I go now?
Where am I? Where did everyone go?

Arrested, detested, unrested,
Requested rescue not protested,
Reflective, not infective,
Grotesqueness suppressive invested,
Regressive, oppressive attested,
Opposing, not disclosing.

Entombing, and dooming, consuming,
No bloomy life looming, exhuming,
Encasement, not replacement,
Succumbing, consumptive, mind numbing,
Becoming presumptive shortcoming,
Imparted, not departed.

Where am I? Is it safe now?
Where am I? Can I go now?
Where am I? Where did everyone go?

Created, well gated, vacated,
Berated, freedom is awaited,
Monastic, not elastic,
Seems fated, no hatred abated,
Located in these walls belated,
Receding, not proceeding.

Unbounded, yet with walls surrounded,
Impounded, my mind is confounded,
Enshrouding, not unclouding,
Compounded, my prisons expounded,
Rebounded, my cries echo ungrounded,
Resounding, not abounding.

Where am I? Is it safe now?
Where am I? Can I go now?
Where am I? Where did everyone go?

Dividing, not surviving,
Entwisting, not assisting,
Acquitting, not remitting,
Depriving, not reviving,
Persisting, not existing,
Omitting, not admitting.

Where am I? Is it safe now?
Where am I? Can I go now?
Where am I? Where did everyone go?

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